Fuck Facebook

Updated: 09.03.2013

Aaaaaand, I'm back! On facebook. unfortunately, companies I aim to work with take facebook seriously. So I, as  a communication scientist, must take facebook seriously. Now, the trick is to keep it all healthy, not obsessive. Since by now I'm completely alienated from most of the people I have as friends on there....it should be easy.

Updated: 06-11-2011

2nd entry*
I have been succesfully off for two weeks minus two days at which I reconnected to cut communication expenses. Unfortunately, I haven't exactly cut into my PC usage. If you have other excellent examples of why facebooking or interwebbing aren't sexual, attractive, bad for semen and eggo's and should be h8ed, please do share! I will keep updating this page, or will after a while make a new one, yeah!

*image source: allfacebook.com

1st entry.

Just doesn't work for me. At all. So now I'm on a righteous Pete campaign, promoting alternative lifestyles. Get it? Do get the full intent of that statement.

Love, Cob.