Well, the blogs have been coming out far and wide lately and I can't put it on anything else but lack of inspiration and music overdosing. I've been into so much music as of late that it has become increasingly hard to see the trees for the forest. Yes, I find albums as a whole a lot more enjoyable, and I always have, but never has it been an issue to pick a few songs like it has been for the last month or so. But ok, at long last this lamestreamer returns with a few chillwaves from the cella musicae! Yum yum goes your earwax ©! And, I picked these from better albums, I can't stress that enough. I'm so important. Everyone cares! Where did that come from?
To begin with, a tune that I just picked randomly from a good chillwave album by washed out - within and without (trackname: eyes be closed.) First I was going to write this goofy little line on how a cloud of synth met electro-drum, and then called in dreamy vocalist guy for a trio and ended up making a decent fuckmaking © song (yes, that word is copywrited by me HERE and NOW), but then I figured I might as well looook up the lyrics. Heavens, it could be about something serious, I thought, and I just can't tell because the vocals are so airy. And sure, and yeah man it changes the perspective and makes the song so much better, it's crazy. Or well, no I'm really a lamestreamer in alt-disguise. That right, Carles?
Via: http://www.lyricsty.com
washed out - eyes be closed.
Inside your voice resounds,
Your thoughts realign
Your words recall to mind
Your short sweet life
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsty.com/washed-out-eyes-be-closed-lyrics.html ]
Hear voices all in time
Hear the words calling (by?)
Feel the wave form now, ride the foam,
See the world clearly now
Rising up you float outside yourself
Find the source of light
You fly home, you go closer now (?)
Rising towards the light...
And that song, straight up, reminded me of another moment of clarity where lyrics took the song to another level. Three years old the album is, elbow-seldom seen kid (track name: the bones of you). Who hasn't had one of those moments, when the music just pulls you away to a world of it's own, or a different you, in a different time, when you may have been a better, a heartier person, a caring person. What the fuck happened to me? Why am I alone. (notice the absence of a question mark) O, oops, a whirlwind of emotion took hold and I took that one from the deep-dark within. I am one badly drawn boy on the inside.
Via: www.elyricsworld.com
Elbow - The Bones Of You
So I'm there
Charging around with a juggernaut brow
Overdraft, speeches and deadlines to make
Cramming commitments like cats in a sack
Telephone burn and a purposeful gait
When out of a doorway the tentacles stretch
Of a song that I know
And the world moves in slow-mo
Straight to my head
like the first cigarette of the day
And it's you, and it's May
And we're sleeping through the day
And I'm five years ago
And three thousand miles away
Do I have
time? A man of my calibre
Stood in the street like a sleepwalking teenager
And I dealt with this years ago
I took a hammer to every memento
But image on image like beads on a rosary
pulled through my head as the music takes hold
and the sickener hits; I can work till I break
but I love the bones of you
That, I will never escape
And it's you, and it's May
And we're sleeping through the day
And I'm five years ago
And three thousand miles away
And I can't move my arm
Through the fear that you will wake
And I'm five years ago
And three thousand miles away
And hell, why not, here another one from elbow's seldom seen kiddo. Melodically even better Mirrorball (the lyrics don't really do it for me yet, but I get him, good for him yeah, allright go! love! hearties)
And then this one, this one I can't find the words to, but the utubers posting about it had me, uhm, thinking. But as it often happens, my thoughts didn't go the distance. Yeah come on, one minute its all teenage-sexual, then it goes to (metaphorical?) horror, and then it ends all meaningfully and drowns lesser minds (evidently) by being inconclusive? NO. I WILL NOT BE OWNED BY A FRENCHMAN (who directed the video)! Let me tell you, I watched stalkers by Andrei Tarkovsky the other day, look you Frenchman, I almost got to fully not getting it, but every now and then came a few meaningful exchanges, which signalled some conditionally relevant (and a bit more obvious) real world patterns I could relate to, and it went KONEC with me not feeling like an idiot. Watch and learn French guy with cool name, HINT MORE!
But ok, it still works.. it's nowhere(!) near(!) brilliant but it works, a bit. French turtle douche. No, joke. Yes, joke. nonoui, me neither? Did I mention the song at all? The song is a breeze!
DYE - Fantasy
And finally, o this one I can't deny, it speaks to me like a mirror. "You need to get your shit together, you can't achieve the impossible by just asking for it, you need a girlfriend, get. it. together." And then in response I go : I NEEEEED LOOOOOOVE" and the he goes "I WILL BE YOUR LIGHT" Oh the mirror will be my light? no the beta band!, no the mirror! no the ugly swan post from a while back? WHAT?!??!?! IS!?!?! GOING. ON?!?!?! deepness, that's what is.