Radiohead - The King Of Limbs - A Review

While Pitchfork makes up its mind on the most appropriate way to bury Radiohead (but they didn't, who knew), I'm going to poke at the band from a safe distance called the collateral opinion.

First of all, 8 songs. Get fucked.. yeah, glad your nerves got spared this time 'round lads, but without your fused nerves the record is too short and emotinally bland.

It's hard, hard, for me to admit, as I am a worshipper like many and just really want to praise
the band to high heavens, but..Radiohead fails to excite me, with the king of limbs.

It's just not a very interesting, engaging album.. the progressions within the songs are too subtle to be called progressions.. Most of the songs don't move, and fail to move me. Bloom stands out as an interesting piece, the bass in particular which feels like a coincidentally fitting backnoise, but the "ooh" effect doesn't last long and what you're left with are the skidmarks of overhype.

I don't feel like spilling my thoughts too long over this, it's just an irrelevant album musically.

To give them credit, lotus flower sounds allright as well, but it misses an edge and variation to pull it from allright to "stellar, radiohead does it again" status.

Other highlights include the haunting vocaltrenchedwithsynth piece at 0:41 in Feral. The sleepy Codex and mellow Seperator which make me feel fuzzy inside. Funny thing about Seperator is that towards the end Thom goes "wake mu up, whake me uhuuhuhuhuuuuup".. funny because that's exactly when I'm probably down like a log. It's like he wants to ruin it for me.

And that's it.
So, realistically, I only really do not like half of the album, but given they're Radiohead, that's messed up.

I'm gon' go oknats on their bums and give 'm a  4/10

and to rub it in a bit more


Now go back and make a better record.