I'm not breaking new ground by writing that sometimes, videos really take a song an extra mile!
Plenty of examples but I won't go too deep into it, maybe you could consider this list.. doesn't matter.
I'll name three recent examples that worked for me.
Beyonce's Single Ladies.. I don't think I would have listened to the audio more than once, probably on my way somewhere on the radio, were it not for that great choreography..
I remember visualizing the moves and somehow enjoying the song that much more.. Remember that bit when B starts a routine independent of the other two, and they fall in shortly after (around 0:50, 1:20 and 1:30 especially)... Loved it!
Another example would be Metallica's - All nightmare long.. I thought the song to be too overwrought, unnecesarilly complex at the beginning, not having that flow you'd want it to have.. Metallica were hasbeen's.. waiting for the mercy shot.. and then BOOM, that video totally made the song..It totally went with the creepyness, amplified it, made it epic, took my mind of the music at the right parts and there you go.. shortly after I had to pick up the guitar and ROCK THAT ish!
Finally.. Tiga-Shoes. That one is special because it's not as clear cut.. To me the leap from the video concept to the song is mystifying.. How does anyone come up with that... Why does that model's face evoke such strange attraction.. why is that guy so immediately a classic presence.. why does the close up of the drummer boy work? Is it really just the fact they they all look great? I don't think so. It's art.. it's pure art, and it might as well be unintended..
Now, these examples really show two (though there are more) different ways that this audio-visual pairing can work..
A great choreography, visualized effectively..
Or a great concept that somehow captures the emotion, the flow, the scene (with great dancing though) and so on..
And what to make of this happy go careless tune by Solveig!
The epic Frenchman going ..
"Spasiba Natahshheeeh.."
"Da (yes in Russian) da si da da, hallo, Igor, and then running through the>> yes, no, yes, yes, that exactly what I'm saying...
Or.. "Martin I'm not your agent... I'm your manajeeeer.."
And then when Djokovic enters the scene, somehow adding epic to it by mixing genres.. I mean, you have to be clever here. The effect that Djokovic creates is something that you might label a Cross-Genre-Stupifier.. The cognitive load of music videos is suddenly connected to a tenis event.. ( the whole Roland Gaross was just a setting to me without Djokovic)
If you follow tenis, the sight of Djokovic will bring the video into a whole new category of experience..there you have this athletic hero, looking all good, big, important, strong and all that.. it's a departure from what's being established earlier.. the humorous, hip, metrosexually baroc cute, pleasant, casual... (Helps that he's a Serb, like me)
It works. It simply works..! And not to forget, the tune itself..
The downside is the level of advertising.. I mean from lacoste, nike, puma, adidas & all the other shit they stuff in there.... mainly Roland Garros.. but okay.. goes with the turf nowdays.. Only goes to show the power of money, over and over again.
Here's one to the good videos!