The Drug
Röyksopp, a Norwegian prog-electro-pop duo best known for Epple, are set to release a new LP, entitled Senior, on 13.09. They leaked the cd a week ago online (consciously not posted here) and unlike the more immediate Junior, their previous offspring, Senior sounds a lot less endearing as a whole, at first listen, but definately holds a few peaks and grabs attention. Those intriguied by the piece above are advised to get a copy though I urge you even more to get Junior, if you haven't already!
The drug is the first single off Senior and it features a video screaming "missed opportunity", all over. A mish mash of oddities it adds little to the song, other than to distract from the, though catchy over time & ambiguously magnetic for filler music, a rather monotonous tune.
Overall though, the drug gets the benefit of the doubt, given the still vivid impressions of the acrobatic Junior, and hence a closer examination of the full LP will follow after official release! If it's here, it's worth something.
Enjoy the drug, and let me leave you with a taste of my precious Junior, it's called "vision one" and it's a collab with Anneli Drecker, Yusuke Chiba & Shinichi Osawa!