So. What of the new Phoenix record?
You decide, but since I'm highly involved with Phoenix I've given it more spins than most and I've come to the conclusion that a lot of the mixed reviews are spot on.. but it's not really the songs most found fault with. I think it's the way they are sequenced... You'll often read that track five weighs the thing down, and you may notice that many completely overlook Side A because it's so predictably Phoenix. Additionally..or in extension of the previous, I've come to the conclusion that the album is very intensive as it is.. its energy somehow unbalanced.
but if you mix it up a bit...
It becomes a breeze... a very accessible record that does not fall short of their previous work, and me; due to involvement with the lyrics and a more thorough understanding of the band this time around (reading and watching all of the interviews they've done in promoting the album) I appreciate it quite a bit more...
So, without further ado... IF you also felt the current track-order didn't quite work for some reason (e.g. Track five weighing the record down... Side B being too intense and shapeless, Side A bit bland...) for a potentially better album experience, sequence it like this:
The real thing
Trying to be cool
Drakkar Noir
S.O.S. in Bel Air
Oblique City
Now, what this does for me..
it gives both sides more air/pace. 'Don't' lightens up side A, 'Oblique city' speeds up B well enough as it's airy already with 'Bourgeois' and 'Bankrupt!' ...And 'Bankrupt!' really WORKS as a closer... the album is now light enough to have it there... and it's a wonderfully reflective track as it is... as much as it a blatant pt.3 to 'Love like a sunset pt.1 & 2' from the previous record.